You can fully prepare for your California LPCC Law & Ethics Exam in 7 days. The exam is based on a limited scope of knowledge. With the right prep course and the right study plan, you can go into your exam confident and ready.
Our LPCC Law & Ethics Exam prep program is organized into modules for easy learning. If you can dedicate about 3 hours a day over a week, you can complete the full prep course. Don’t have that much time each day? Don’t worry, just break each step into two or three days, to make this into a 14-day or 21-day study plan. Even carefully reviewing all quiz questions and the practice tests, it is possible to complete the entire online course with approximately 20 total hours of studying.
Here is your 7-day study plan. Our video-based program includes video lectures, focused quizzes, two mock exams (one mini-mock and one full-length mock), our exclusive Think Like the Test segment, and much more, all at the lowest cost among competing programs. You can start instantly.
Total times here include video segments and brief topic-focused quizzes.
Day 1 |
Law: Confidentiality, Privilege, and Limitations |
Day 2 |
Law: Standards of Practice & Ethics: Competence |
Day 3 |
Ethics: Therapeutic Relationship |
Day 4 |
Ethics: Business Practices & Anxiety Management |
Day 5 |
Think Like the Test & Mini-Mock |
Day 6 |
Full-length Practice Test & Review Rationales |
Day 7 |
Focused Review |
Downloadable Version
You can download a PDF version of this study plan here.
We believe in you. We built this program for you. You’ve got this.