Our New Test-Taking Skills Report

Test-taking skills play a major role in who passes their licensing exams.

You can improve your test-taking and increase your chances of passing with the data and recommendations in our new Test-Taking Skills Report. These insights are only available in High Pass Education's online exam prep programs. You can benefit in these five ways and more: 

1. Know Your Strengths

Learn from detailed performance data including subscale scores. As always, you can also review each question individually, gaining key insights from item rationales.

2. Manage Time Effectively

Are you moving too quickly or too slowly? Showing signs of fatigue as the test goes on? Review a wealth of time-use and progress data to improve how you manage the clock.

3. Know When to Trust Your Gut

Does changing answers tend to help you or hurt you? See how many items you changed your answers on, and how your changes helped or hurt your overall performance.

4. Use Bookmarking to Your Benefit

Like the real thing, our practice tests allow you to mark specific items to come back to later. Using this tool well can help you manage time and stress.

5. Avoid Common Error Patterns

While exam items aren’t designed to trick you, they do make incorrect responses look appealing. See how often you make different kinds of errors, and how to fix them.

See a Sample Report

To see a full sample report on Test-Taking Skills, click here. Note that reports will of course vary by user and the appearance of reports may change.

Why we built it

A significant body of research speaks to the importance of test-taking skills for passing a multiple-choice exam. One particular study motivated us to create our new test-taking skills report.