Preparing for the 2024 California Clinical Social Work Law & Ethics Exam
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Prepare yourself effectively for the California LCSW Law & Ethics Exam with the leading study guide. With a summary of key knowledge, practice exams (one full-length and one mini) with rationales, test-taking strategy, and anxiety management, this book is the test prep you need to help you succeed. Features of the 2024 edition include:
Fully updated to the 2024 BBS Exam Plan, which introduced new content areas that may be included on the test and expanded others
New "Learning Check" feature after each study guide section
Updated to 2024 state law, including changes in elder and dependent adult abuse reporting, involuntary hospitalization, conservatorship, privileged communications, and more
More than 100 practice questions with rationales, including a full-length (75-question) practice test and a separate 25-question mini-mock exam. Of all the practice questions in this text, 20 are new to this edition.
Subscale scoring on the mini-mock and mock exams, so you can see your specific areas of strength and weakness, and focus your continued studying accordingly
- Test-taking tips and strategies
- Guidance on anxiety management
Associate Clinical Social Workers (ASWs) in California need to take the state's Licensed Clinical Social Worker Law and Ethics Exam in their first year of registration. This study guide is designed to efficiently prepare you for the California Law & Ethics Exam for Clinical Social Work.
By using this book, you can go into your exam confident and well-prepared.
You've got this.
Paperback | ISBN 979-8-9864668-4-2