California Law & Ethics Exam Prep Programs

We offer video-based online exam prep for the California LMFT, LPCC, and LCSW Law and Ethics Exams. Our programs are priced up to 60% off the prices of competing programs, and have exclusive features you can't find anywhere else. Scroll down or choose a specific program to learn more.
Programs taught by Ben Caldwell, PsyD, LMFT.

Program Features

Our industry-leading California Law and Ethics exam prep programs are built to be effective and efficient. All of our L&E exam prep programs offer the following features:

Think Like the Test®

Our exclusive guidance on test-taking strategy can make the difference between passing and not.

Video-based lectures

Topic-specific video lectures from Ben Caldwell. All videos have searchable captions.

Quizzes and practice tests

More than 200 practice questions with full rationales, so you can understand why an answer is correct.

With you until you pass

Initial program access is set to 90 days. But if you reschedule or don't pass, you can request a no-cost extension.

Exclusive Advanced Reporting

Our exclusive mock exam platform provides detailed data and recommendations on your test-taking skills. Learn about and improve your skills at changing answers, time management, avoiding common errors, and more.


Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD

Dr. Ben Caldwell is a California licensed MFT and Adjunct Faculty for California State University Northridge. His book Basics of California Law for LMFTs, LPCCs, and LCSWs is used in graduate programs around the state. He publishes and presents around the country on issues related to ethics, supervision, technology, and professional development.

He has been directly involved in several policy changes that have benefited therapists and the clients we serve. These include changing the prelicensed title for MFTs and PCCs from "intern" to "associate" and streamlining hours of experience for licensure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit individual program pages for more information specific to that program and exam.

I'm taking both the LPCC and LMFT Law & Ethics Exams. Do I need to buy both programs?

The Law & Ethics exams for the two license types are different, largely due to differences in the professions' respective codes of ethics. But most customers find they do not need to buy both programs. Instead, they purchase one program, study for and pass that test, and then carefully study the codes of ethics side-by-side to understand the differences before taking the other test.

How often are the programs updated?

Programs are regularly updated to add content and features, or to align with changes in law, codes of ethics, or the BBS Exam Plan. When programs are updated, those updates go to all active customers, not just those who purchased after a certain date. Each program includes a Changelog where you can see what's been updated.

What score do I need to pass my exam?

The passing score threshold (minimum score needed to pass) varies by exam cycle and version. But it is typically around 35 out of 50 scored items (70%). For more on passing scores, click here.

What happens if I reschedule my exam, or don't pass it?

We're with you until you pass. Initial program access is set to 90 days from purchase, but if you reschedule or don't pass your exam, you can request a no-cost extension.

Online exam prep courses do not provide continuing education (CE) credit.